HousingChannel.org + New Mitchell Blvd Neighborhood Association Meeting
Columbia Renaissance Square Apartments 3801 W.G. Daniels Dr., Fort Worth, United StatesNeighbor/Resident Engagement When: October 7th 10:30-11:30am Where: Columbia Renaissance Square Apartments - 3801 W.G. Daniels
Teen Night @ William M. McDonald YMCA
William M. McDonald YMCA 2701 Moresby Street, Fort Worth, TX, United StatesTeen Night at William M. McDonald YMCA 8pm - 12am (Midnight) GAMES, PRIZES, MUSIC, FOOD & MORE Free and open to all teens aged 11-19. Only registration required; no in and out. *Must bring school I.D. to the event. Email [email protected] for more information.
HousingChannel.org + Glencrest Civic League Neighborhood Assoc. Meeting
Columbia Renaissance Square Apartments 3801 W.G. Daniels Dr., Fort Worth, United StatesColumbia Renaissance Square Apartments 3801 W.G. Daniels Dr.Fort Worth, Neighbor/Resident Engagement When: October 10th 10:30-11:30am Where: Columbia Renaissance Square Apartments - 3801 W.G. Daniels
Partner Advisory Council Meeting
This group is composed of representatives of the partner organizations serving the Renaissance Heights community and the surrounding area.
Mobile Food Pantry – Tarrant Area Food Bank
William M. McDonald YMCA 2701 Moresby Street, Fort Worth, TX, United StatesMobile Food Pantry Fresh food and produce curtesy of the Tarrant Area Food Bank Time: 11am-1pm l Where: William M. McDonald YMCA
FunkyTown Mindful Market
Texas Wesleyan Universiy 1201 Wesleyan St, Fort Worth, Texas, United StatesJoin @CoACTNTX and the FunkyTown Mindful Market on Sat. Oct 22nd from 11am - 2pm on the Texas Wesleyan University campus. Pick up fresh seasonal veggies, farm fresh eggs, and artisanal products. For more info: https://www.coactntx.org/mindful-market Learn more about the awesome work of the FunkyTown Mindful Market through this video: https://youtu.be/dMcMCiOyz1g
Trunk or Treat
Columbia Renaissance Square Apartments 3801 W.G. Daniels Dr., Fort Worth, United StatesTrunk or Treat Wednesday - October 26, 2022 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm Food -Fun - Games Columbia Renaissance Square Apantments parking lot by the playground 3801 W.C. Daniels, Fort Worth, TX 76105
Cook Children’s Wellness Fair
Cook Children's Neighborhood Clinic Renaissance 2600 E. Berry St, Fort Worth, TX, United StatesJoin us for free child-friendly activities, nutrition education and family fun! Date: November 5, 2022 Time: 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Location: Cook Children’s Neighborhood Clinic Renaissance 2600 E. Berry St. Opportunity to win prizes! ¡Acompáñenos para actividades gratuitas para niños, educación nutricional y diversión familiar! Fecha: 5 de Noviembre de 2022 Hora: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 … Continue Reading →
11th Annual Hiring Red, White, and You – Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County
Globe Life Field 734 Staduim Dr, Arlington, United StatesWorkforce Solutions for Tarrant County is ramping up for the 11th Annual Hiring Red, White, and You! This is a Veterans focused event that is open al ALL job seekers. 150 Employers will be onsite to discuss job opportunities with job seekers. Details may be found using the link below. Please share! 11th Annual Hiring … Continue Reading →
Southern Ren. Heights Housing Presentation to Glencrest Civic League Neighborhood Assoc.
2601 Timberline Dr. CRW Bradley Center 2601 Timberline Dr., Fort Worth, United StatesDirect Hire + Job Readiness Fair
Columbia Renaissance Square Senior Residence 2801 Moresby Street, Fort Worth, TX, United StatesPresented by: Renaissance Heights Foundation & Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County OPEN TO ALL Employer List: Amazon, Childcare Associates, City of Kennedale, FedEx Ground, Spectrum and UPS *Please help share the work that we have hired on the spot + career opportunities.