We know that when people continuously work together toward shared goals, meaningful and lasting change is possible. And that’s exactly what is happening in the dozens of neighborhoods that are a part of the Purpose Built Communities Network.
Each neighborhood is home to what we call a Community Quarterback. These are independent non-profit organizations solely dedicated to the ongoing revitalization of a defined neighborhood. It all begins with understanding the place-- the history and the realities people are living every day. What’s working, and what isn’t. What support systems are available, and what are the gaps. Community quarterbacks convene partners and resources, and they ensure that neighborhood residents are centered in setting the strategy to bring the community’s vision to life. They have their ears to the ground, giving them the knowledge to be able to respond to urgent needs, while always thinking long-term and across all of those elements of healthy, thriving neighborhoods. To learn more, visit purposebuiltcommunities.org/.
The Community Quarterback in the Purpose Built Model